Resultado de imagen de advice

"David should undertake a strategy of sleep restriction. He should not go to bed until he is actually ready for sleep, introducing a ‘Golden Hour’ of sleep inducing habits an hour before bedtime. In this case, he should begin his wind down routine at midnight, aiming to fall asleep at around 1am. Once he is falling asleep within twenty minutes, this routine should be brought forward to 11pm. If David struggles to fall asleep, he should get up out of bed and engage with his parents, who should in turn demonstrate their support for him.

In the hour before bed, David should steer clear of devices and blue screens, like tablets and smartphones. He should have a bath or a shower to help him wind down, and also try magnesium supplements, which will help manage his body clock. Caffeine should be avoided well before bedtime; he should not drink tea, coffee, fizzy drinks or energy drinks after 3pm."

"A: What do you think I ought to see in London first?
B: Well, historical places, I think. You should go to Westminster Abbey, and if you can, go to the Houses of Parliament and the National Gallery.
A: And what about the British Museum? I was told one ought to see it.
B: I suppose you must go there. There you can find masterpieces of the world’s best artists.
A: How can I get to the centre?
B: I think you can go by steamer down the Thames from Westminster to Tower Bridge. That’s a very pleasant way to travel, and you can see London bridges and quite a number of buildings on the way."
Reference: http://englishstandarts.blogspot.com/2012/08/examples-of-modal-verbs-in-texts-and.html (last accessed 16/10/2018)

Modal verbs from the text: 
Ought to see: A is asking for suggestions.
Should go: B is giving a suggestion of a place to visit.
Can: B uses it to tal about a possibility.
Ought to see: here A is talking about the importance of doing something.
Must go: B is making a strong recommendation.
Can get: A is asking for the possible ways to get there.
Can go: B is giving a polite suggestion.
Can see: B here is talking about theoretical possibilities. 

In this last four weeks, some activities I have done in order to improve my English are to read three books in this language. I have also watched many episodies of different series in his English original version and I have seen two movies. Besides, I have written some texts in order to practise my writing skills. 

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