Dear John,

I hope you are well, I am sorry I haven't written for such a long time. How is it going?

I am writing to see if you could help me out. Lately, I've been practising my English by checking out new series on Netflix and watching them in the original version. Sadly, my laptop has just broken down and I cannot watch my series. I am wondering if you could tell me any more ways to improve my English.

For example, maybe I could borrow some books of my interest from the library. Reading is as much important as listening, so reading English books or comics could sort my problem out.

I can't wait to hear from you. I am looking forward to seeing you again.

Take care,

Links that show how to write correct letters:

This week I have been reading the news on the Internet on some British webs. Added to this, I also practised my English helping out my friend with his English homework.


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