After searching on the internet for a quite long time I finally found this example of a report:

24 October 2014

On 22/ 10/2014, a colorful and memorable Cultural Fest was organized in our school. This event was whole day long and was held in the auditorium of our school. In this mega event, many schools from our city took part.

The grand show commenced by the arrival of various teams from schools. Then the Chief Guest, the District Collector ,of our District, arrived with his wife. There was a colourful welcome followed by lighting of the lamp. It was accompanied by a melodious Saraswati Vandana , hailing the goddess of knowledge and wisdom. It was followed by a welcome speech given by the Principal of our school. Then there was bouquet presentation to the invited guests and the grand event began. It was a truly mesmerizing show as the teams from various schools presented many programmes . there was singing, dancing, poetry recitation, skits, mimicry, mono act shows, classical and modern combination of several foot tapping numbers. Everyone sat glued to the show. The Chief Guest praised the entire event a lot. He guided with his inspirational words and inspired to do better . It was followed by the announcement of the winning team , ABC School of our city. The team from our school bagged second position and everyone complimented one another. It was followed by aformal vote of thanks and the event concluded. 

We really enjoyed a lot and dispersed with a sincere hope that such mega events should be organized time and again giving the students a chance to display their talents.

https://emereport.weebly.com/examples.html# (last accessed 13/01/2019) 

To start with, this report is lacking an openng formula like "Dear readers". Added to this, I truly believe that the first paragraph should be divided into two different paragraphs. Also, another paragraph with appropriate recommendations is needed as well as a better conclusion where you express your hopes for this report to have been useful.

At the same time, I couldn´t find a good example of a proposal but if we use this same text a proposal would need some headings, also more paragraphs and of course, more recommendations. 

This week I´ve tried to improve my English by watching a British show called Downton Abbey which is perfect for getting used to hearing very different English accents. 


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