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First of all, when I heard that we had to do a blog I just though it would be boring because of the experience that we had in our first course. However, I think the exercises were pretty pleasant and entertaining and I loved the fact that we had to give our opinion in almost every part of the exercise so that we didn´t get tired of it. Moreover, the best part was adding pictures because the topics of the exercises were very original and enjoyable. I don´t have any particular criticism to make. Thank you for making it funnier.

Finally, I am going to say that this week I have been practising my English by studying a lot for the final exams!!!!!!! I hope everying works out for us three!


Entradas populares de este blog

WEEK 27: COMPLAINING (Pilar Victoria Martínez)

WEEK 28: CONNECTING WORDS (Pilar Victoria Martínez)

WEEK 21: TELLING THE TRUTH (Pilar Victoria Martínez)