WEEK 17: IN MY VIEW (Pilar Victoria Martínez)

LGTB representation in series, films, books and even advertisement:
 In my opinion, there is a big lack of LGTB representation in all cultural products we consume in our everyday life. Heterosexual couples are still the norm, sometimes shoehorning them. This is frequently supported with the argument of “homosexual couples could confuse kids”, “they are too little to see LGTB people”, and this kind of opinions which suggest that LGTB people are unusual and disgusting weirdos in society, when it is actually the opposite: people of the LGTB community are as common as heterosexual ones, but we tend to take for granted everyone is heterosexual because, as I said before, it is the norm and to what we are used to.
Nevertheless, if LGTB people were properly represented (without the typical stereotypes) in TV and literature, more people would normalize them, and this would mean for younger generations not to be as confused about their sexuality as older ones were.
The obvious conclusion that could be taken of this is that more adequate LGTB representation is necessary for our society to grow up and end the stigma. Because the only way people would get confused about their sexuality is if they are shown up just one reality, hiding and stereotyping the other ones.

Browsing in the internet, I have found different links where the infinitive is explained:


This week, in order to improve my English, I’ve been reading different articles on LGTB representation in the media, so I could be more informed about this issue.


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