WEEK 29: INTELLIGENCE (Pilar Victoria Martínez)

I have found this text about the results of an experiment and underlined the examples related to reported results:

The following observations were made as a result of experiments conducted by Casey Hospital with respect to four types of E.Coli bacterial strains.
The graph illustrates that 5mg./ml. of Chloramphenicol stopped the growth of two strains of E. Coli; EC 1 and EC 3. It also illustrates that the 5 mg/ml of Chloramphenicol had little to no effect on the EC 2 strain of E. Coli and had a minimal effect on EC 4 strain of E. Coli as the colony sizes were near maximum of the standard result. This shows that 5 mg/ml Chloramphenicol is an effective antibiotic against EC 1 and EC 2 strains of E. Coli.

In order to improve my English, I have done some rephrasings in order to prepare my final exam of Lengua Inglesa.


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