" David should undertake a strategy of sleep restriction . He should not go to bed until he is actually ready for sleep , introducing a ‘Golden Hour’ of sleep inducing habits an hour before bedtime. In this case, he should begin his wind down routine at midnight , aiming to fall asleep at around 1am. Once he is falling asleep within twenty minutes, this routine should be brought forward to 11pm . If David struggles to fall asleep, he should get up out of bed and engage with his parents , who should in turn demonstrate their support for him. In the hour before bed, David should steer clear of devices and blue screens , like tablets and smartphones. He should have a bath or a shower to help him wind down , and also try magnesium supplements , which will help manage his body clock. Caffeine should be avoided well before bedtime ; he should not drink tea, coffee, fizzy drinks or energy drinks after 3pm ." Reference: https://sleepcouncil.org.uk/sleep-advice-scenarios/m...