
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2018


" David should undertake a strategy of sleep restriction . He should not go to bed until he is actually ready for sleep , introducing a ‘Golden Hour’ of sleep inducing habits an hour before bedtime. In this case, he should begin his wind down routine at midnight , aiming to fall asleep at around 1am. Once he is falling asleep within twenty minutes, this routine should be brought forward to 11pm . If David struggles to fall asleep, he should get up out of bed and engage with his parents , who should in turn demonstrate their support for him. In the hour before bed, David should steer clear of devices and blue screens , like tablets and smartphones. He should have a bath or a shower to help him wind down , and also try magnesium supplements , which will help manage his body clock. Caffeine should be avoided well before bedtime ; he should not drink tea, coffee, fizzy drinks or energy drinks after 3pm ." Reference:  https://sleepcouncil.org.uk/sleep-advice-scenarios/m...

Week 3

I strongly believe that I wouldn´t like to be in the public eye, that´s because I would hate to have zero intimacy and be constantly talked about and judge. I think that that kind of life is very stressful and not for everybody. Being in the public life also has a lot of advantages but fame isn´t for everyone and specially not me, I prefer to have my intimacy and only talk about about my private to the people I choose. Instead I would love to have a peaceful life, like the one I have right now where I can enjoy the simple things in life without the stress that comes with being famous.  


I think my friends have a lot of qualities but what I specially admire it’s their loyalty and the way they always support me when something is wrong. Apart from that, I love their sense of humour because they always make me laugh. Further destinations: Scotland, China, Norway, Marrakech, Norway, Poland, Thailand, Ireland, Germany I would visit these places because I find them truly interesting and I would love to get to know the different cultures, their people, their way of life, etc. In addition, I am interested in visiting all the monuments and the most important locations. If I had enough money, I would travel around the world and visit all places I mentioned before. I also would like to live in a city out of Spain, like in London or elsewhere around Europe. Besides, having enough money means not having the duty to work everyday so I can be more focused on personal goals without distractions, like writing a book, paint a piece of art, e...


To improve my writing I try to practice as much as I can but I also find it helpful to plan my writing by mapping and doing a draft later, that way I can arrange my ideas and write a better text. Also I find it useful to exchange my writing with someone else so they can give me advice. Finally I believe one of the best tools for improving my writing skills when it comes to vocabulary is the Thesaurus dictionary which can be very helpful in order to fin synonyms, that way I can enrich my text with a whole variety of new words that maybe I don´t usually use.