WEEK 23: PERSUASION (Pilar Victoria Martínez)

These are some expressions I found to persuade someone:
  • Come on. 
  • Give it a try. 
  • Try them on. 
  • Believe me, you’ll have fun times. 
  • Don’t be a spoilsport. 
  • It will be fun, I’m sure. 
  • You’ll enjoy it. Go. 
  • You won’t regret it. 
  • This is once in your lifetime, don’t waste it. 
  • It’s your only chance, try it. 
  • You wouldn’t find them twice, come on! 
  • You’ll never feel sorry 
  • You won’t regret it. 
  • This is once in your lifetime, don’t waste it. 
  • It’s your only chance, try it. 
  • You wouldn’t find them twice, come on! 
  • You’ll never feel sorry 
  • You won’t regret it. 
  • This is once in your lifetime, don’t waste it. 
  • It’s your only chance, try it. 
  • You wouldn’t find them twice, come on! 
  • You’ll never feel sorry about it.
  • Would it be possible for you to …?
  • Won’t you …, please?
  • Why don’t you …?
  • Please!
  • Not even for me/for my sake?
  • Just this once!
  • You’re not going to let me down, are you?
  • How I can persuade you to …?
  • Could you/Couldn’t you be persuaded …?  

Regarding hypothesis, I have found this abstract on the net:
We propose a hypothesis to explain the association between daily fluctuations in ambient air pollution, especially airborne particles, and death rates that can be tested in an experimental model. The association between airborne particulates and mortality has been observed internationally across cities with differing sources of pollution, climates, and demographies and has involved chiefly individuals with advanced chronic illnesses and the elderly. As these individuals lose the capacity to maintain stable, optimal internal environments (i.e., as their homeostatic capacity declines), they become increasingly vulnerable to external stress. To model homeostatic capacity for predicting this vulnerability, a variety of regulated physiologic variables may be monitored prospectively. They include the maintenance of deep body temperature and heart rate, as well as the circadian oscillations around these set-points. Examples are provided of the disruptive changes shown by these variables in inbred mice as the animals approach death. We consider briefly the implications that the hypothesis may hold for several epidemiologic issues, including the degree of prematurity of the deaths, the unlikelihood of a threshold effect, and the role that coarse, noncombustive particles may play in the association.

This week, in order to improve my English, I started watching a new series called “The OA”.


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